Mill City Church of Cayce Adoption Grant

Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
— James 1:27

We believe that the Church is specially equipped by God to care for the orphaned and vulnerable, and in doing so exhibits one of the purest and undefiled demonstrations of the Gospel that the world can see.

If God could sacrifice His own son for us, that we could be adopted as sons through Jesus Christ (Eph 1:5), then what better way for us to respond than to show that same love to others?

At Mill City Church we believe in adoption as a celebration of the gospel, and we want to empower our members with the resources necessary for the undertaking.

With adoption costs ranging from $25,000 - $50,000, many Christian couples believe that adoption is “financially impossible”, and as a result never pursue it.

We’ve partnered with Lifesong For Orphans to create the Mill City Church of Cayce Adoption Grant

Members of Mill City can apply for our grant through Lifesong for Orphans and be eligible for matching grants up to $5,000.

Eligible Members who apply for the grant and are accepted will:

  • Gain access to Lifesong’s wealth of resources including:

    • Fundraising kits.

    • Additional grants & matches.

    • A free crowdsourcing website where donors can give tax-deductible gifts.

  • Receive a dollar-for-dollar match from Mill City up to $5,000.

    • All grants are subject to Lifesong’s independent review and recommendation process.

In order to be eligible for the Mill City Church of Cayce Adoption Grant, applicants must:

  • Be an active member of Mill City Church of Cayce, in good standing.

  • Have an approved Home Study

Applications must be sent directly to Lifesong, who will conduct their own review and make funding and grant recommendations to Mill City based on the needs of each applicant.