Everyday Missionaries




Read the Everyday Missionaries PDF (Everyday Missionaries PDF)

Or Listen to the training below


Use the following chart to list out all the current activities that take up your weekly schedule: (work, play, family, relationships, etc)

Rhythms Calendar.png

When thinking about being on mission, what do you feel like in your schedule most gets in the way? Why?

Helpful Tips: When thinking through your opportunities for everyday mission, two ideas are:

  1. Look for opportunities in your normal routine.

  2. Invite people into what you’re already doing.

What in your normal routine are you able to invite people into?

Who are you building with who would be able to join your in these routines?

Who are you not building with, but should be because they are already a part of your normal routine?

In general, how can you begin to work with gospel intentionality? Play with gospel intentionality? Build relationships with gospel intentionality? Spend time with your family with gospel intentionality?

Who do you need to take a next step towards sharing the gospel with them?


Invite someone in your group to join you in a missional opportunity that you have, or help them see one they have and you join them.
